Sunday, July 14, 2013

Memorial Hill

Yesterday, I stumbled across a site in Utah that I've never heard of before.  I've lived here for eighteen years and have driven to just about every place in the state, but yesterday, while I was up taking pictures in the Heber Valley, I spotted a mountain in Midway with a bunch of flags on top of it.

"What is that?" I wondered aloud.  I turned the car around and headed toward it.  Within a couple minutes, I had arrived at this entryway.

I was intrigued, so I entered.  I didn't see signs mentioning an entry fee, only this sign, which only piqued my curiosity:

The drive up mountain is a dirt road which caracoles three full times before reaching the top.  On the summit, I was greeted by a line of five flag poles, each flying the standard of one of the branches of our nation's military.
From right to left: The flags of the US Navy, The US Army, The US Marine Corps, The US Coast Guard, and The US Air Force.  The view is toward the north.

At the center of the hill, is another flag pole with an American flag and the Utah flag, standing guard over a central monument which contains plaques highlighting the names of residents of Wasatch County who have served.

At the south end of the monument is this memorial, which I believe was called "The Last Watch."

Aside from the monument, the views from atop the hill are phenomenal, with expansive, picturesque vistas over Midway toward Deer Creek Reservoir, and across fields to Heber City.

Looking east toward Heber City
Looking south over Midway with Deer Creek Reservoir in the background
On the afternoon I was up here, a Saturday in July, I had the entire mountaintop to myself.
Since, I had never heard of this place, once I got home, I did a little research, to try and find out who was responsible for this special place.  It turns out the the site is now owned by Wasatch County, but it was originally privately funded.  This website has some good details:

If you are in Midway, this place is worth a quick stop.  It's located only 1/2 mile off Highway 113, which is the main road  from Heber into Midway.

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